Newgrounds, please approve my Sonata so I can submit things. Or approve the other song I just submitted. Either or; I just would like it done as soon as possible. Thanking you profusely already :)
Al (pianomaster42)
In other news:
Yes, you heard right, second piece. It's a start. i am quite happy with how it turned out, and as soon as it's approved, I'll post again with a link. And a link to the sonata as well.
Also, it's the middle of August so the school year will be starting up. Down here in Bloomington-Normal is gonna get busy again :)
Until next time...
Don't ask for approval, if you've submitted your work you'll just have to wait for it to go through the system just like everyone else's has at some point or another.
Here's hoping it's good though dude :)
Oh I know that. Just voicing a little displeasure that it's been almost a week, that's all. Thank you though